Dr Shanel Few is registered with the Psychology Board of Australia as a Clinical Psychologist and Board Approved Supervisor. She also has an Eating Disorder Credential.
Dr Few has been working in the Shepparton area over the past 15 years.
Shanel has clinical experience in public mental health, the not-for-profit sector and private practice. Her expertise is in the area of mental health treatment with a particular interest in the treatment of Eating Disorders and associated issues, as well as trauma. Dr Few's latest passion is Autism Assessments and learning more about neurodivergence.
​Dr Few is a Psychology Board approved supervisor for the 5 +1 Internship pathway, Higher Degree Programs and the Registrar Program for Clinical Psychology.
Dr Few completed her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at La Trobe University where she was awarded the APS College of Clinical Psychologists’ Student Prize, acknowledging her high level of clinical skill and ability to design and conduct clinically relevant research.
Shanel's Doctoral research was in the area of body image interventions and she has achieved publication in peer reviewed Australian and international journals.